Friday, January 26

The Emmathy law of time annhilation!

Ok so Einstein was a pretty cool guy and I respect his science, but the saying is "if only I had more time". I never heard someone say " I would if only I had less time" as would happen if time was truely dilated.

Yeah I know we're not travelling at light speed bla bla bla... but I think I'm gonna come up with the "Emmathy law of time annhilation". Something along the lines of ...

"For every force that provides you with things to do, there is an equal and opposite force that contracts the time in which you have to do it"

...which will possibly, after later experimentation have an addition clause:
"The rate things get done is inversly proportional to the rate of time contraction"

In other words I apologise for my severe lack of blogging but time has been busy annhilating. In fact, by writing this post I have added another thing to my list ...keep up with blogg... and that in itself is causing time to annhilate!

All is just more proof of

The Emmathy law at time annhilation!

(In the name of science if you experience this please add your experimental data to the project and together we can be the next Einstein!)

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