Sunday, November 12

Aspirations of a Bath Tub

Everything seems to be wanting to be something it is not... except my bath tub...
...which is quite happy being mimicked by the shower, with the satisfaction of knowing he is simply a bath tub who offers so much pleasure to all.

Yes I am mad! But I did promise to offer intriguing titles with little substance!

My cat thinks she's dog, offering her paw in exchange for attention, wagging her tail with pleasure, and making a strange growling noise in stead of meowing;

My house thinks it's a fridge aming to preserve and chill everything within it;

My toaster thinks its a Jack in the Box throwing every piece of bread up as soon as you push it down...

But my main grumble is that my shower is not happy being a shower. It seems he is apiring to be a bath, for every time I shower the cubicle fills up untill it becomes like a walk in bath, and a luke warm one at that. Perhaps simply a blocked drain issue I hear you say, but no, Mr Musle teamed up with my sink plunger and our chemical army just doesnt seem to be able to stop the shower from wanting to be a bath. So for now, I have a limited showering time before the water level rises above the bottom of the door. In this case a tidal wave floods the bathroom and then the bath is really not happy. Oh the joys of student living!

And the lesson?...

We should all aspire in life, to be like the bath tub.

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