Friday, January 26

Excited biologists loose light!

I was writing one of my assignments this morning and I was appauled at the following: an excited state and looses light as it returns to the ground state...

It doesn't...unlike time light can't be lost... com'on biologists even you must have heard about energy ...oh dear! Not only that but the reason I worte this blasphemy was that I had 2 seconds before read a similar sentance in a published journal! Oh dear! Oh dear oh dear!

As if this was not enough I then replaced the word lost with emitted which understandably made me happy, but what did not make me happy was that I felt I could not change the word light to photon energy or something along these lines as it would be ambiguous and frowned upon!

Why oh why do I feel this way? It can't possibly be that I am a physical scientist afterall... can it?

Oh well having transfered to Bioscience I'm looking forward to next becomming excited because it seems...

...Excited biologists loose light!

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